World’s Biggest Mobile Poultry Shed ….. and it’s Fully Automatic!

The most comfortable option for the housing of free-range layers.

Housing in a shed that is automated for feeding, watering, nesting and egg collection but is also completely mobile.

You may have wondered about the huge shed we have on the front page of our website. Well SKA now has a shed on wheels for 1200 layers that COMPLIES WITH EGG STANDARDS AUSTRALIA RULES and European Organic Guidelines. It comes fully fitted out with all equipment needed including:

  • Central Communal Nests AVIO with 300mm egg belt
  • Motorised egg collection table
  • Slatted floor
  • Chain Feeding system
  • Nipple Drinker system
  • Metal Perches
  • POP doors and ramps
  • Bird net ventilation windows with anti UV curtains
  • Roof mounted Water Tank
  • Comfortable, Easy Clean egg room
  • Strong galvanised steel support structure
  • Sandwich Panel insulation on roof and walls 40mm
  • Adjustable air inlets
  • Sliding side openings let the birds move freely
  • Skids as well as wheels
  • Easy to assemble
  • Option to install in static location

The covered structure is 15m x 9.2m in size and can also include a lighting system and portable silo. There is also a version without nests for free-range broilers. Please call or email us for further information, including quotes.


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